College Essays and Personal Statements

College applications, higher education applications are a stressful time. How is it possible to convey your story in less than 500 words or 5,000 characters? Fear not - our team is proud to draw you into a writing platform tailored for this very purpose! Whether it is a resume for a job or an essay for college, our professional writing and editing experience is ready to take on any application sitting in your hands.

College Essay and Personal Statements

Premium Editing Service

Our editing experience takes form in multiple ways that support the crafting of your application. Beginning with a consultation service to understand your goals, we then take on the artful methods of editing that will surely bring out the best writer and story-teller in you to convey your purpose clearly, professionaly, and most importantly, in your own strong voice.

Features of our Editing Service:

  • One-on-one consultation about writing goals.
  • Line-by-line or general content feedback, depending on goals.
  • 24/7 Email Access for Questions/Answers


Editing Service Description Price
[College Essay] Standard Editing Package Content Feedback, Minimal Line-by-Line Edits.
Number of hours necessary for edits discussed over free consultation call.
[College Essay] Advanced Editing Package Heavy Line-by-Line Edits on style, tone, voice, and content organization to tell your story in the best way it can be told.
Number of hours necessary for edits discussed over free consultation call.
[Job Resume/CV] Standard Editing Package Get your Resume to stand out - receive copy edits (grammar and formatting) for Resume or CV $30
[Higher Education] Standard Editing Package Content Feedback, Minimal Line-by-Line Edits.
Number of hours necessary for edits discussed over free consultation call.
[Higher Education] Advanced Editing Package Heavy Line-by-Line Edits on style, tone, voice, and content organization to tell your story in the best way it can be told.
Number of hours necessary for edits discussed over free consultation call.

*Higher education is considered as any application to school after completing four years of undergraduate (bachelors) study. Examples include: PA school, Law School, Medical School, Dental School, Masters Programs, etc.

Typically, editing services take 2-3 hours to complete, but depending on the goals and preferences discussed in the consultation call, these numbers may vary.

We get it - being a student is hard! No one should have to face more obstacles to have their best shot at a dream school/program - if price is your obstacle, please reach out to us for alternative options!

While our confidence in our editing services is unwavering, factors outside an applicant's writing may affect their admission. As such, Apricus Prep is not to be held responsible for the outcome of an applicant's admissions process. Further, Apricus Prep confidentially holds copies of final edits provided to each client to serve as proof of scholarly contribution and to prevent further changes made by the applicant (or other parties) to their writing being attributed to Apricus Prep editing services. This includes, but is not limited to, further edits made after feedback is given by Apricus Prep, an omission of feedback given by Apricus Prep, or any edits beyond the scope of the written feedback on the common shared document.

Apricus Prep is here to help, but the sole owner of the writing is the client and any words ultimately submitted by the client/applicant to admissions programs is understood to belong to the client/applicant. Apricus Prep does its due diligence in preventing academic dishonesty by maintaining confidence and compartmentalizing each clients' documents. We (Apricus Prep) further contend that our ideas for feedback are individualized for each client and any incidental reptition of concepts or phrasing will always be merely coincidental. While we are consistenly ensuring uniqueness of our own feedback, the writing process may produce coincidental accounts of a similar phrase between two pieces of text. Therefore, the client understands that the client themselves is responsible for assuring academic honesty (i.e. checking for plagiarism and validity of content) in their final admissions submissions.